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Decayed or damaged teeth can impact not only your dental health but your appearance, as well. If you need high-quality crowns in Pembroke Pines, Dr. Castillo is here to help restore your smile.
The goal of restorative dentistry is to fully restore the natural look, health, and quality of your bite. At Castillo Dental Care, our compassionate team offers beautiful and high-quality dental crowns to help restore your smile to the fullest. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Castillo to learn more.
As with all restorative procedures, your treatment costs will depend on your unique needs and goals. But don’t worry. Our team will do everything we can to provide the very best in patient-focused care at competitive prices.
When your tooth is cracked or broken, it is important to have it restored immediately so you can protect it from further breakage and from accelerated decay that can lead to tooth loss or the need for a root canal. A crown is the most commonly used dental restoration for a broken or cracked tooth is a tooth. At Castillo Dental Studio, we know that a broken tooth can cause you to be self-conscious and even make eating difficult, so we offer you a variety of tooth crown options to help you start smiling again.
Dr. Castillo believes that most patients benefit the most from an all-porcelain tooth crown because all-porcelain tooth crowns can be shaped and colored to virtually match the surrounding teeth, making it much less noticeable than a metal tooth crown or a porcelain-fused-to-metal tooth crown. In addition, all-porcelain tooth crowns have superior strength, often lasting longer than other types of crowns. Depending on your needs and preferences, we also offer crowns made from gold and zirconia.
In most cases, Dr. Castillo can place your crown in two visits to our modern Pembroke Pines office.
Most crowns will restore your smile for many years before needing to be repaired or replaced. To ensure the longevity of all dental restorations, be sure to practice good at-home oral care and schedule regular checkups with Dr. Castillo.
Colgate: Dental Crowns and Dental Bridges
Dr. Castillo and our team provide dental crowns to our patients in Pembroke Pines, Florida. Schedule your appointment at (954) 391-8309 today. We offer a variety of amenities, such as Netflix, music, and flat-screen TVs in treatment rooms to make your next visit a relaxing one.